Monday, July 2, 2012

Still in Love

Charles was a Harvard man,
As straight as straight can be.
Daisy was a red-neck girl
From Backwoods, Tennessee.
One fateful day Chuck lost his way;
Was lost for nigh a week
‘Til Daisy found him lyin’ there
Beside the muddy creek.

Daisy took that Harvard man
And patched his wounds and clothes,
And fed him moonshine for a month
 'Til that couple was betrothed.
He knew that it would never work,
But leavin’ made him ill.
She was just a Backwoods girl
But oh, he loved her still!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


“Go get it boy!”
That’s all that it takes,
And off at a gallop I go.
I bring back the sticks,
The balls and the toys;
Whatever the boss wants to throw.

What makes me obey,
So eager to go,
So needy to be his friend?
When all that I get
Is just kibbles and bits,
And a well-aimed  boot
In the end!