Friday, November 1, 2013

Beloved Children

Here and now, I wonder how relationships inherent
Could ever be just what I see, even though it seems inerrant
That children, bright, should reverence give, to me; the parent!
Is it really as it seems or is it incoherent?

For when I look beyond the now and venture even bolder,
I am not sure just who is the child and who, in fact, is older.
My children seem so wise to me, so good, and broad of shoulder.
I wonder if the truth will come when the fires of life but smolder?

Perhaps, someday, the time will come when they will wear a crown
And on a throne will sit, august, and graciously look down
At me, the jester in the court; a knave, a fool, a clown.
And I, in awe, will bow my head and reverently kneel down.

I thank the Lord, our Father, for trusting me to teach
Beloved spirits; children, His; and help them all to reach
Their full potential. May I fulfill this contract, and may I never breach.
To this end I humbly pray and of my God beseech.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sharing the Load

Some till the soil,
Some plant the seed,
Each with his toil
Fulfilling a need.

Some nurture seedlings,
As summer grows hotter,
I’ll pull the weedlings,
You tend the water.

Each has a role.
All do their best
To harvest the goal.
Then we can rest!