Friday, October 10, 2014


Its time that I were exercising 
The art of pigeon sex surmising
Here, in my lofty pigeon pen.
Be they cock, or dainty hen?

Is this a male? I answer “Yes!”
Truth be told, its just a guess.
He drags his tail, and struts his stuff,
He bows his head and acts real tough!

So I surmise, ‘A handsome cock!’
Imagine my bewildered shock,
How can it be? I humbly beg.
This cock of mine just laid an egg!

Monday, April 21, 2014


I woke up this morning with a tear on my cheek
And I found myself thinking of you.
Yes, you in the back in the light grey scrubs
And you in the navy blue.

How can I express what you all meant to me
As you dutifully put in your shifts.
God bless the nurses who serve every day,
Without you I=d still be adrift.

I know there are others who make up your team
But you are the ones I remember.
You touched my heart in the fall of my life.
I=ll be grateful until its December.

Just so you know, I=m doing just fine,
Except my heart valve now ticks like a clock.
I=ve traded my gown for a bath robe and jeans
And my TED Hose for argyle socks.

Tell the PT=s I still go for walks,
Though my jeans hide the flash in the rear.
Thanks for your service, may you all find your joy,
And thank you for coaxing this tear!