Thursday, October 12, 2017

Liberty Lies in Your Care

The Rock of Gibraltar stands steadfast,
A landmark to show men the way,
A sentinel post of the ages,
An emblem of quaint bygone days.

And so stand the old guard among us
Whose deeds ever echo through time.
They blazed a sure path to the future
An uncertain, strenuous climb!

But the lines on their faces betray them,
No longer can they bear the load.
So plot ye a course strong and steady
And start down the way that they showed!

They are the hallmark of freedom,
Of courage and stalwart resolve.
But you are the hope of a nation,
No problem is posed you can’t solve.

Decide now, young people, your credo
For liberty lies in your care.
Be it virtue and faith in the future
Or slothfulness, greed and despair!

Monday, October 2, 2017


Funny beetle,
Please tell me why
You have those wings
But will not fly.

You keep them hidden,
Neatly curled
Until you climb
To top of world!